At St. Stephen’s Church of England Primary School, we believe that the wearing of a school uniform enables children to identify with their school, gives a sense of pride and belonging, is practical, smart, reinforces a positive work ethos & reduces expenditure for parents/carers.

We recognise the costs parents face for school uniform, especially in the current financial climate and we have been exploring ways of making school uniform more affordable for families. Following our school uniform consultation, we received some feedback and suggestion from parents which we have taken on board and our proposals have now been agreed.

All children will be required to wear the following uniform from September:

The school sweatshirt/cardigan is the only branded item of uniform which is compulsory and these can be purchased from our uniform supplier, Emblematic. Please visit: 

All other items can be bought from any supermarket or clothing store and do not need to have the school logo on. Parents do have the option to purchase branded items such as polo shirts, coats etc. from our uniform supplier however these are not compulsory as items can be purchased at a reduced cost elsewhere.

For any parents who have already bought plain school sweatshirts, embroidered school badges which can be ironed on or sewn onto garments are available to purchase from school.

Unfortunately we do not keep any supplies of uniform in school so we are unable to offer the opportunity for parents to try on garments. We do find that garments ordered from our website are true to size and most Reception children wear age 5/6 garments. If you do order items from the website and they do not fit when they arrive, we can arrange to get them swapped for you, please contact the office for further information about this.

Uniform guidelines

  • It is expected that children wear the school uniform each day, with the appropriate footwear
  • If a child does not wear the correct uniform, a written reminder will be emailed to the parent/carer outlining our expectations
  • If a child arrives at school wearing inappropriate clothing which causes concern(e.g. unsuitable for the weather, too revealing, offensive/unsuitable slogans, etc) then the school will contact the parent/carer to request that appropriate clothing is brought to school for the child to change into
  • If a child does not arrive at school in their PE kit on their designated PE day, parents will be contacted and asked to bring PE kit for their child to change into. If PE kit is not supplied then the child will not take part in the PE lesson for that week (they will receive alternative tuition) and a letter will be sent home asking parents to make appropriate arrangements for the following week.
  • If there is any reason why a child cannot wear our uniform or requires special dispensation (e.g. health or religious grounds), parents will be asked to contact us and the school will consider sympathetically any such requests.


On Health & Safety grounds, children are not permitted to wear jewellery to school apart from a watch (not Apple watches or expensive brands as school will accept no responsibility for loss or damage).

Children are allowed to wear small stud pierced earrings except for the days when they have PE or swimming. On these days, we will be insisting that earrings must not be worn for school and they should be removed by the parent or child at home. Covering earrings with tape will no longer be permitted as it does not ensure safe participation in sports activities.

Children who cannot remove their earrings (due to having them pierced in the last 6 weeks) will miss the PE/swimming lesson for the week (they will receive alternative tuition). Parents will then be emailed a letter requesting that they make alternative arrangements for the following week. School staff are prohibited from removing or replacing earrings & the school will accept no responsibility for accidents caused by the wearing of jewellery.

Parents & carers are reminded that if they should wish for their child to have their ears pierced, then it is best to be done at the beginning of the 6 weeks holiday in order that they can then be removed for PE at the beginning of the Autumn term.

Nail varnish, false nails, make up, hair dye or temporary tattoos must not be worn for school.

Ensuring that uniform is affordable for families is a key priority and in order to offer the best value for money we will continue to regularly review our uniform suppliers.

We will arrange regular ‘pre-loved’ uniform sales, which will be an opportunity for families to access good quality used school uniform at reduced cost or no cost.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us.