Medication in School

Supporting children with medical conditions

In line with DCC guidance, we have adopted the latest policy for supporting pupils at school with medical conditions.

A central requirement of the policy is for an individual healthcare plan (IHP) to be prepared, setting out what support each pupil needs and how this will be provided. IHP’s are developed in partnership between the school, parents, pupils, and the relevant healthcare professional who can advise on your child’s case. The aim is to ensure that we know how to support your child effectively and to provide clarity about what needs to be done, when and by whom.  Although IHP’s are likely to be helpful in the majority of cases, it is possible that not all children will require one.  We will need to make judgements about how your child’s medical condition impacts on their ability to participate fully in school life, and the level of detail within plans will depend on the complexity of their condition and the degree of support needed.

If your child has a medical condition which requires support from school or medication to be administered please contact the school to arrange for and IHP to be prepared for your child.

Administering Medication

If your child has had medicine prescribed to them, and this needs to be administered at school, we must have signed documentation for this. Medication permission forms are available from the school office or alternatively you can print and complete the form below and return it to the school office along with the medication. (All medicine must be prescribed by a doctor and have the child’s name and dosage instructions on it).

Updated: 16/02/2024 25 KB