Curriculum - Music


At St. Stephen’s Primary School, our intent is to promote and develop a lifelong love and appreciation of music through providing a range of high quality musical experiences. We strive for creative excellence by providing learning experiences involving listening, singing, playing and improvising, evaluating, appraising, analysing, and composing covering a diverse range of genres and styles. Our aim is to promote and develop self-confidence, creativity, self-expression, a sense of achievement and happiness. We make clear and meaningful links between other curriculum areas and promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.


At St Stephen’s Primary School, following the Durham Charanga Music Programme, children have opportunities to sing, listen, play, improvise, compose, perform, appraise and evaluate music. Charanga provides inclusive music lessons that are engaging and enjoyable and planned so as to build and develop musical knowledge throughout the primary phase. In class, children have opportunities to play a variety of non-tuned percussion instruments, such as drums, claves, shakers as well as tuned instruments for example, glockenspiels and recorders. Children are encouraged to compose, perform and appraise both their own and others performances including those of other musicians. Children have opportunities to apply their skills in different contexts, such as Collective Worship, performances and concerts, to different audiences. Children are taught to play stringed and brass instruments by peripatetic music teachers. This may be whole class music sessions teaching children to play the guitar, for example, or individualised teaching for all children who demonstrate an aptitude or interest in learning a musical instrument. Children are excited by the online experiences offered through Charanga to  compose, and experiment with multiple instrument sounds, through notepad, percussion writer, YU studio applications.  Children work in mixed ability groups which encourages children to share and learn from each other in an inclusive and supportive context and all pupils benefit from high quality teaching and learning with high expectations for all. Consideration is given to appropriate support and challenge for children with regard to St Stephen’s commitment to inclusion and success for all children in our care. Children experience a range of musical performances in school, involving musicians from a variety of cultural and musical backgrounds, accessing Twinkl listen and respond to classical music resource. At the end of each unit of work, children are given opportunities to reflect upon the term’s learning. They complete an assessment quiz, providing opportunities for children to assess their own learning within music, as well as inform on teaching and learning and identifying future steps for musical development.


By the end of KS2, our children will know more, understand more and remember more about Music.  They will be motivated and inspired to continue their learning as they progress to KS3. Children are able to enjoy music in whichever way they choose, as a listener, creator or performer. They have a deeper knowledge of reading music, musical notation and recording their musical ideas. Teaching and learning in music at St Stephen’s CE Primary School will encourage an understanding and appreciation for culture, history and expressive arts, giving them confidence and knowledge to continue to pursue musical development in their later lives.  We measure the impact of our Music curriculum through monitoring work, listening to the children’s attitudes about music through pupil voice, learning walks and work scrutiny.

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